Harper Lake

Harper Lake

Saturday, December 14, 2013

City Slicker

Horace Winkle was down at the barbershop this morning laughing about this fellow from Chicago who came down to duck hunt. Horace is what they call a guide and went out to the lake with this fellow. Horace brought along a bunch of decoys to float on the water to attract the ducks as they flew over. He was getting ready to dispatch his fleet when the city fellow came walking up with a live duck he had managed to catch lakeside. Horace said he just sat back and watched while the fellow took the little duck out in the boat. He attached a six foot length of rope around the duck's neck and dropped it overboard. Unfortunately the place in the lake where he made the deposit was eight feet deep. Horace said, "I seen that little duck 'bout ever time I was at the lake and growed real fond of it. I called it Little Suzie. This dumb city slicker dropped it over and plumb drowned it. Poor Little Suzie."
One of the fellows asked what became of the duck and he said the city fellow waited until time to leave and then rowed out and retrieved it. He claimed he was going to take it home and cook it. Somebody spoke us and said, "I reckon at least the meat will be real moist."

Tales of Harper, short stories and poems about the fictional town of Harper, Mississippi is available on Amazon Kindle
Coming soon: More Tales of Harper (an ebook on Amazon)

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