This morning the barbershop gang was talking about Christmas gifts for their wives. I didn't say much because I got Dorothy something special this year and didn't want to overshadow the others. I am the only one with an oil well on his property and I have to watch what I say. Willie Renforth wanted to know if they still made Evening in Paris perfume. Hansel Merks said he was getting his wife a new vacuum cleaner. It hadn't come in yet so he was going to wrap up a picture from the catalog and put that under the tree. Billy Joe Forte said his wife wanted this birthstone ring, but with the economy being what is it he wasn't going to spring for that, he thought a little necklace he saw in the window of Polly's Pretty Things would do just fine. Merks Mitchell said he was all set since he bought a big box of candy that was put on sale after Valentine's Day down at the drug store. I reckon we're all set if they still make that Evening in Paris stuff.

Tales of Harper, short stories and poems
about the fictional town of Harper, Mississippi is available on Amazon Kindle
Coming soon: More Tales of Harper (an ebook on Amazon)
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