Harper Lake

Harper Lake

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Walking in My Woods

It wasn't too chilly this morning so I went for a long walk in the woods. Over the years, my family has walked our property so much that we have set-trails. It would be impossible to get lost for there are so many familiar markers along every path. Not that things don't change; every now and then a tree has to be taken out and of course they grow bigger and look different, but not so much from one year to another. There is a little creek that runs into the lake and I like to stop there for a rest. Sometimes I sit for a minute, other days I linger longer. It all depends on what I have to think about. Today I reckon I stayed an hour. I got to thinking about my family: my daughter, who lives only fifty miles away, my middle son who now lives in Charlotte, and my oldest boy in California. My daughter and middle son keep in touch and visit now and then. My oldest boy won't have anything to do with me. He's a big lawyer (for movie stars) out in Hollywood and I figure he's ashamed of me. I reckon he has a right to be except I ain't the same daddy that did all those crazy things when my son was a youngster. I didn't treat him or his mother right and I fully admit it. The other two children can see that now. I don't know how I can make it up to my lawyer son if he won't communicate. Maybe one day I'll go out west and surprise him. Wouldn't that be something?

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