This morning down at the barbershop the topic of discussion was infinity, not that that word was used a lot. Breedlow Wiggins started things off by telling about reading an article that claimed the universe went on for ever and ever. Somebody said they thought forever was just as long as for ever and ever. After that was settled we got back to the universe and Wartfield Barringer stated his disbelief that anything could go on without stopping somewhere along the line. A. Q. Johnston asked, "Well suppose there was an end and there was a big wall at the end, just what do you think would be on the other side of that wall?" Wartfield said, "Damn. Just when I thought I had it all figured out you gotta come up with a stupid wall." Maize Morganston said he was almost convinced that there was a thing such as infinity when his mother-in-law came to live with them. He claimed the old woman was deathly ill from the first day she entered their house and it took her twenty-three years to die.

Tales of Harper, short stories and poems
about the fictional town of Harper, Mississippi is available on Amazon Kindle
Coming soon: More Tales of Harper (an ebook on Amazon)
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