In some states you can buy a lottery ticket and have a chance to win about 650 million dollars (before taxes). This morning the barbershop gang were talking about what we would do if we won. It was what you call an academic discussion 'cause not a one of us had actually bought a ticket. But it was fun just to plan out your future as a wealthy man. One fellow said he had a mobile home all picked out and had selected a lot to put it on. Another guy told about his wife's desire to own a Rolodex (sic) watch. He would buy her two if he won. One man had seen a movie where a hunter had a whole room full of guns and the heads of animals he had shot, he wanted that. Somebody said he wanted to travel. He had wanted since he was a boy to visit all the Civil War battlefields and he would strike out on that journey as soon as the money was in the bank. I didn't say much, but I did think of all the relatives and friends who would pop up when they heard about your good luck. It would be like when people heard they struck oil on my property only twenty time worse.

Tales of Harper, short stories and poems
about the fictional town of Harper, Mississippi is available on Amazon Kindle
Coming soon: More Tales of Harper (an ebook on Amazon)
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