Harper Lake

Harper Lake

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


My girl's name is Doreen. She was born in 1956. Now she lives over in Golds Creek. I think she may be separated from her no-good husband cause he ain't come over last few times she visited. She don't come but once or twice a year. Her kids used to drive me nuts, but they all growed up with kids of they own. One funny thing about Doreen (well, it ain't really funny) she's got this real ugly tattoo on her left fore arm and top of her hand that says: FALSTAFF BEER. Now you won't believe it, but she actually made a pretty good bit of money with that tattoo. Some local beer distributor paid her every month for flashing his beer at everybody she come up to. Well, that beer ain't around no more, but the tattoo is strong as ever. I hate to see it, but I reckon since she don't come around much it's okay. There's a town right in the next county that has a Falstaff sign on one of its buildings. It's been there since I was a boy. I guess they like Doreen, advertising for nothing. Of course, a good coat of paint could fix theirs, but Doreen is stuck with hers. Tomorrow I'm gonna tell you about Korea and my war wounds.

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