Harper Lake

Harper Lake

Friday, May 9, 2014

Fishing Car

Enos Windstrumb finally got rid of his old fishing car yesterday. His wife had been on his case because the car was literally falling apart. In fact, Enos had the good sense not to drive the car even a few miles out to the river. He called a charity that wanted old cars and when they took a look at it they said, "No way."
Last week, Enos' wife, Elda, had her car in the shop and Enos was out of town. She was scheduled to go to a baby shower. The event was held at the new apartment building and Elda took a chance and used the fishing car to get her there. She was in a hurry and got her instructions on where to park mixed up. Turned out she parked in a space that was reserved for one of the tenants. There was no name on the wall in front of the place where she left the old car, just a number.
When she left the party and came back to her car she found it was blocked in. At the office for the apartments they told her the space was reserved for a Dr. Whistlebone. When he was called, he refused to come and move his car stating that any fool who parked in his space would have to suffer the consequences. Elda got a ride home with a friend and left the old car there.
Next day, the Windstrumbs started receiving calls from the doctor asking them to come an unoccupy his space. After a few days his requests became pleas.
They never came back for the car and the poor doctor had to call a wrecker service to come and get the vehicle. When the wrecker arrived at the Windstrumb's house, Enos told them he had never seen that car before in his life. They took it to the dump and sent the doctor a bill for their service.
Down at the barbershop this morning, one of the fellows asked Enos to tell everybody about the proctologist who blocked in his car. Enos said, "He wasn't no proctologist." And the fellow said, "I figured he was from the way you described him."

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