Harper Lake

Harper Lake

Friday, January 24, 2014

Snow in Harper

It don't happen often, more now than when I was a boy, but we got some overnight snow here in Harper. Our driving was not affected that much, there may have been a little more traffic than usual with people out gawking at the white stuff. Something I noticed was things you can see with snow on the ground that you can't without it. I reckon the snow just makes things stand out more. Looking across the lake I can clearly see Dr. Hoke's house up through the trees. When the ground is devoid of snow it is hardly visible. Maybe noticeable is a better word. This morning J.K. Mullinhouse was telling how disappointed his little grandson was that school was not canceled. I did notice when passing the school the kids were out on the playground building snowmen and throwing snowballs, having fun while it lasts. I figure most will be gone by noon tomorrow.

Tales of Harper, short stories and poems about the fictional town of Harper, Mississippi is available on Amazon Kindle
Coming soon: More Tales of Harper (an ebook on Amazon)

1 comment:

  1. Snow was so rare in my home town when I was a kid, me and my little brother would get up at three in the morning and go out to play in it, knowing it'd be gone by the time school started. We'd scrape all we could off the grass and wood shed roof, make three or four snowballs and throw them at the neighbor's house. Then, we'd go back inside, take off our soaked mittens and get back into bed to warm up. I suppose that was our best illustration of 'fun while it lasted.'
