Harper Lake

Harper Lake

Monday, September 9, 2013

My Mole Hole

The way I see it men and women need one another. Real bad. But they also need to get away from each other now and then. Dorothy does this by going off with her friends to civic meeting, cooking schools, book clubs, and a bunch of other things. While I go fishing or down to the barbershop to be with my friends, I spend most of my getting away time in my little study up on the second floor of the big house. Dorothy calls it my mole hole.

I am very protective and territorial when it come to my little space and get agitated and real nervous when Dorothy insists on dusting and cleaning. Seems like things I use every day always ends up in a place where I can't find them, doncha know? All this forces me in to being a little neater than  I would ordinarily be. I even dust a little and vacuum every day. I bought a small vacuum cleaner and keep it in the study closet. Dorothy still has to come in and "fix" things.

Don't get me wrong I love Dorothy and appreciate almost all she does for me. I don't care how she runs the rest of the house. She can paint any of the other rooms any color she wants and buy and move furniture as she sees fit. The way I look at it the whole house is more hers than mine. But my little hole needs no changing. It was fine the first day I walked into it and it's fine today.

Tales of Harper, short stories and poems about the fictional town of Harper, Mississippi is available on Amazon Kindle

1 comment:

  1. Happens at my house every day. And what's more, she doesn't even have to be there for things to disappear. A pen I was just using is suddenly gone, and there is no one around to blame.
