Harper Lake

Harper Lake

Sunday, September 15, 2013

The Influence of a Woman

All I can do is speak for myself. I know I have been led in the right direction by women more than by men. I followed men into drinking, smoking, gambling, and womanizing. Some may say these are not necessarily bad, but they were bad for me. The women in my life, beginning with my mother, have led me to better grooming, cleaner habits, and healthier eating. They have kept me from unattractive displays personal hygiene in public and outlandish behavior. The influence of women has directed my church going. I was raised in the Baptist Church, my first wife was also a Baptist and kept me going to that church. My second wife was a Catholic and I joined up with that group and still go fishing with Father John. Trixie, my third wife, didn't go to any particular church but liked revivals. She's the one that ran off with that tent preacher. Bad influence, that one, but I did learn a lot from her. Dorothy, my present wife is a Methodist so I now go to the Methodist Church, not as often as Dorothy, but I do go there. She ain't real pushy about it. I like the preacher okay but the music kinda gets to me, all the songs sound alike, doncha know? So today I am sitting down by the lake while Dorothy is at church. I look across the still water, feel the cooler weather, and give thanks for all the sweet women who have walked through my life.

Tales of Harper, short stories and poems about the fictional town of Harper, Mississippi is available on Amazon Kindle

1 comment:

  1. Women will never be as successful as men because they have no wives to advise them.

    Dick Van Dyke
