Harper Lake

Harper Lake

Thursday, July 28, 2011

First Television

Hollis been after me for a while now to get a new TV set for the den at the big house. He got me a flat screen for Christmas last year, but I put it down at the cabin when Dorothy moved in the big house to keep it up for me. I been staying down by the lake 'cause we ain't married or nothing. It put me in mind of when we got our first television set back around 1950. My daddy were off at the mental hospital where they shocked him to death about a year later. Mama and me was lonely and I taken some of my money from working at the grocery store and bought a brand new Muntz television set from this place in New Orleans.
We had to put up a aerial and it had to go about a quarter mile in the sky (not really) to get the signal from the only TV station we could get. It were channel 6 out of New Orleans. The signal come in real good about two or three nights a week. We always was trying to figure how why the picture were good or not.
Sometime when it were just as clear when the weather were cold and clear, but sometime it were good when it were hot and cloudy. I never did figure that out. You could walk down a Harper street at night and tell what houses had TVs because the whole room, where the set were, were bathed in blue light. Ain't that funny 'cause the picture were black and white?

1 comment:

  1. Did the houses bathed in blue light have those "blue bubbles" in front of their screens?
