Harper Lake

Harper Lake

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Savvy Kids

This morning Wendell Wash was still talking about his little granddaughter, Sally Jane. He was taking her home after a little morning visit at their house. She asked him if the ice cream had been by his house lately. He told her he hadn't seen that truck in a long time and she said she hadn't either. For about a mile she didn't say anything. He said he was looking at her in the rearview mirror and could tell she was deep in thought. Finally she said, "Grandpoppa, why don't we buy our own ice cream truck and we could park it behind your house under the apple tree and we could take it out whenever we wanted to." Wendell told her that was a good idea and he would think on it. Sally Jane was silent for another mile then she said, "But I reckon it would be a good idea to run it by grandmomma. Don't you?"

Kids today ain't just smart, they know how things work too.

Tales of Harper, short stories and poems about the fictional town of Harper, Mississippi is available on Amazon Kindle

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