Harper Lake

Harper Lake

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Keeping Up With Harper's Animals

Right besides Effie Blackwelder's desk in the Harper Population Office are the desk of Lucius Tom Leddingfield. Lucius's job are to keep up with all the animals. He tried his hand at preaching but he had a few problems with the church where he were at. He only wanted to preach out of The Song of Solomon and the church peoples did not like that one bit. Now he keeps a number count on pigs, cows, mules, horses, dogs, cats, goats; well I reckon you see what I means--he keeps up with 'em all. It's harder than people counts 'cause we got so many more animals. A few year ago Lucius got the bright idea of keeping a count on bees. He read that the average hive have about 50,000 bees, so he just uses his times table to figure out how many bees would occupy the number of hives in Harper. One problem he has is the report he read said in the fall the number of bees per hive were 100,000. So he just doubles the count through the fall. I were talking to Lucius the other day and he tells me he's working on a way to do a mosquito count. He sits on his porch at night and counts the number of bites he gets per hour. But he can't figure out what to do with that number. I don't reckon I can help him none. I use OFF.

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