Harper Lake

Harper Lake

Saturday, August 6, 2011


Another thing we made from sugar cane were molasses. It's like syrup only darker and thicker. You've probably heard that saying: as slow as molasses in January. When it gets cold, molasses gets slow. I always liked molasses better'n syrup and I like watching 'em make it. Real good molasses makers is hard to find, but my grandpa had a good one in Moses McAbee. I wish he were still around to make some today. I have been trying to decide whether to tell you a story I heard once about molasses 'cause some of you may think it's a little on the dirty side. I decided to tell it anyway 'cause I first heard it from a deacon of the church. I reckon it's okay to have a little fun now and again.
One time there was three moles: a papa mole, a mama mole, and a baby mole. Early one morning they woke up and was excited by the smell of breakfast cooking over at the farm house. The papa mole stuck his head out of the mole hole and said, "Mmmmm, I smell bacon and eggs cooking." The mama mole squeezed out beside him and said, "Well, I smell buckwheat pancakes cooking." But the baby mole couldn't push up past his mama and daddy and said, " I can't smell nothing but molasses."

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