Harper Lake

Harper Lake

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Storms, Cold, and Trixie

Yesterday we had storms. I mean real high wind that sent raindrops bouncing against the windows of the big house what faces the lake. Today it turned off cold. Colder than it was while we was in England. Huh?
It won't last long though. I reckon it's sent by the Lord to keep us from getting too smug about our good weather. Smug, that's a word Dorothy uses a lot. Mostly about other womens but sometimes men too. Trixie is staying down at the lake house. It ain't but a mile away, but she ain't got no car and I know she ain't gonna walk a mile to get up here. That makes me feel better. She got something on her mind about working me over and getting me to take her back. I know it's just to keep her in food, shelter, and money.
Dorothy is a little miffed about her staying down yonder. That's the word she used miffed and I could tell by the look in her eyes it warn't no good thing. I can feel the steam building up in Dorothy. She is a real easy to get along with woman, but if a thing ain't right by her estimation she's libel to boil over.
Tomorrow: Dorothy Give Trixie What For

Hollis now reading: "The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest"

1 comment:

  1. A woman "miffed" can be a powerful storm - something between a hurricane and a tornado. It could linger around and build up slowly, but sooner or later it's gonna BLOW!
